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Back to Business: Post Quarantine Salon Preparedness Planning

Are you ready to reopen your business? After what feels like years of mandated closures, states have finally begun to allow stylists and salons to reopen their doors. The salon environment we once knew will now be disrupted with new government guidelines and restrictions that everyone must abide by. April Allen, hairtalk® Master Hair Extensions Educator, Salon Owner, and Stylist, joined hairtalk® extensions to provide stylists and salon owners with her suggestions for preparing to get back to business in this new environment of safety and precaution.

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Hair Care: Client Care from a Distance

Currently, many clients are wondering when they can go back into the salon to maintain their mane. As the stylist, you know that one of the most important steps in the extension process is providing the client with proper home care. Maintaining the integrity and health of the extensions and applications shouldn’t be hindered due to our current situation. 

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Tape-In Extensions: Removal from a Distance

Without much notice, mandated closures affected upcoming appointments leaving clients with grown out tape-in extensions in need of removal and reapplication. As we are unaware of how long certain states will maintain these orders, we can’t just let those extensions hang on by a hair. 

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